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Mike Gottlieb
Editor, The Feynman Lectures on Physics New Millennium Edition


We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all who made this book possible, especially:

Thomas Tombrello, Chairman of the Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy Division, for approving this project on behalf of Caltech;

Carl Feynman and Michelle Feynman, heirs to Richard Feynman, for their permission to publish their father’s lectures in this book;

Marge L. Leighton, for her permission to publish an excerpt from the Oral History of Robert B. Leighton, and problems from Exercises in Introductory Physics;

Matthew Sands, for his wisdom, knowledge, constructive comments, and suggestions on the manuscript—and for his illuminating memoir;

Rochus E. Vogt, for the ingenious problems and answers in Exercises in Introductory Physics, for his interview with us, and for his permission to use them in this volume;

Michael Hartl, for his meticulous proofreading of the manuscript, and for his diligent work with the errata in The Feynman Lectures on Physics;

John Neer, for studiously documenting Feynman’s lectures at the Hughes Aircraft Corporation, and for sharing those notes with us;

Helen Tuck,Feynman’s secretary for many years, for her encouragement and support;

Adam Cochran, for his consummate skill in navigating the swamp of tangled book contracts and personalities to find a new home for this book, as well as for The Feynman Lectures on Physics; and

Kip Thorne, for his grace and tireless work securing the trust and support of everyone involved, and for overseeing our work.